Browsing: Dental Caries

Comprehensive Information, Resources, and Support on Dental Caries

Dry mouth can cause bad breath. Saliva is necessary to keep your mouth moist, neutralize the acids produced by plaque, and wash the dead cells away from your tongue, gums, and cheeks. If these bacteria are not removed due to insufficient saliva, these cells decompose and cause bad breath.

Teeth Bonding (Dental Bonding)

A colored composite resin or bonding (adhesive) material whose color is similar to the tooth color binds the broken pieces of the damaged or decayed tooth. Chips, discoloration, cracks, spaces, shape of teeth, etc. all can be repaired with the help of dental bonding.

Signs and Symptoms of Dental Caries (Dental Cavities or Tooth Decay)

If you have dental cavities, you may have a toothache or a dull pain in your mouth. Your teeth become sensitive, and visible holes appear in your teeth. Sometimes dentists miss the early signs. It is important to do a regular visit to a dentist so that your dentist can point out any abnormalities early on.

How Are Dental Cavities Treated?

Treatment of tooth decay (dental cavities) depends on how bad your cavity is. Most often, the dentist extracts and removes the decayed portion of your tooth. He fills in the hole with a filling made of a composite resin or other material. Allergies to fillings are rare.

What Can I Do To Keep Cavities From Forming?

A good oral hygiene can help you avoid cavities and tooth decay. You should use toothpaste that contains fluoride. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and ideally after every meal. Use a mouth rinse with fluoride if you are at a high risk and visit your dentist regularly.

What Causes Tooth Decay?

The cause of tooth decay is acid formed from bacteria when they dissolve the enamel of your teeth. The acid is produced from food particles that remain in the teeth. If the breakdown is greater than build up, cavities do form. Caries is also associated with poor cleaning of the mouth.

Basics of Dental Caries (Tooth Decay and Dental Cavity)

Tooth decay or dental cavities is a common oral health disorder. It generally occurs in children and young adults, but it can affect anyone. Tooth decay is a common cause of tooth loss in children and younger people. Dental cavities form due to the action of bacteria that are present in your mouth.

Baby Teeth Chart: When Do Babies Get Teeth?

Eruption of teeth in babies is an important phase in a child’s overall development process. The complete set of teeth erupts in phases till the child is about 3 years in age. Teeth begin to develop during the embryonic stage of development (during pregnancy) and the process continues even after the birth of a child.