Browsing: Supernumerary Teeth

Comprehensive Information, Resources, and Support on Supernumerary Teeth

Complications Associated with Supernumerary Teeth

The presence of supernumerary teeth (extra teeth or Hyperdontia) can interfere in normal occlusal development. These extra teeth should be diagnosed as early as possible, as they are asymptomatic in most cases. Mostly, supernumerary teeth cause esthetic problems. In many cases, they can cause major complications, such as the following.

How Common Is Hyperdontia (Extra Teeth)?

The prevalence of hyperdontia (extra teeth or supernumerary teeth) is 1- 4% of the world population affecting both males and females in a ratio of 2:1 respectively. In most cases, hyperdontia teeth are limited to a single extra tooth. There have been exceptional cases of over 30 extra teeth in one individual.