7 Surprising Early Signs of Dementia

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Early Signs of Dementia

Dementia is a general or broad term used to describe memory loss and the loss of problem-solving abilities, social skills, and thinking abilities.

Alzheimer’s disease is often the most common cause of dementia among senior citizens, but it can also occur due to other injuries or diseases that affect the brain.


Dementia happens to be the seventh leading cause of death currently and is also one of the biggest reasons behind the dependency and disabilities that many older people face all over the world.

When a person has dementia, it affects them physically, socially, and psychologically. The impact of the condition is not only felt by the patients but also by their family members, caregivers, and those who interact with them.

Certain early signs could indicate that your loved one might face dementia in the future.

While researching dementia or any other disease, it is important to consume knowledge from authentic sources and informed minds.

Early Signs of Dementia That Will Surprise You

The treatment for dementia could be more effective if it gets detected early on. While forgetfulness is a common symptom known by many, some other early signs of dementia could surprise you. Some of them are:

Taking Sarcasm Seriously

Sarcasm is often a part of our daily conversations. However, one of the early signs of dementia is the failure to detect sarcasm.

This could start in smaller doses and gradually present itself in a bigger manner, with the patient not being able to spot liars or differentiate a sarcastic statement from a normal one.

Eating Weird Food Items

Dementia affects parts of the brain that regulate taste buds and appetite, which is why a surprising early sign of dementia is a person eating weird food items or non-food objects.

For example, if they are at a restaurant, they might pick up a flower from the decorative item in front of them and try to eat it.

This behavior occurs because although they know that they are at the restaurant to eat, they cannot determine the purpose of the flower.

Not Following the Law

Have you ever found a friend or relative, who is normally a law-abiding citizen, suddenly engaging in activities that challenge the law? Or are they behaving in a manner that is against societal norms?

If so, that is an early sign of dementia. It could occur while someone is in their 30s or 40s before the people around them can even realize what is happening to them.

Someone experiencing these early signs could break into someoneโ€™s home, steal from others, pass inappropriate or sexual comments, drive recklessly, or even engage in shoplifting. So, the minute you start seeing a change in their behavior, consult a doctor.

Having Trouble Reading

Dementia can affect a person’s ability to read or retain the information they consumed from the previous pages. As a result, they could often have a lost look that makes it seem like they are staring at something because dementia affects their capacity to move their eyes normally.

Altered Sleep Patterns

A person displaying early signs of dementia could be found sleeping a lot or napping at weird hours. Do not take it lightly if oneโ€™s sleep patterns get altered drastically.

Difficulty Forming Words

An individual’s fluency in terms of language gets affected because of dementia.

Although they could function well in other departments, such as going to work, managing their family, or indulging in hobbies, difficulty saying coherent words is an early sign to look out for.

Falling Down Frequently

If a person has been falling more frequently than before, it could be an early indication of dementia. Some of the other signs in this area could be having trouble balancing oneself while standing, difficulty in walking or shifting from sitting to standing up, and facing grip issues.

Dementia affects a personโ€™s mobility and motor skills. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor immediately if these signs show up.


Dementia can be debilitating for older adults who are going through it. It also emotionally and mentally affects their loved ones or those surrounding them. However, when the signs are detected early, the treatment can get started sooner.

Go through these surprising early signs of dementia to know what to look for to give better patient care.

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Picture of Zakariya, MD, DM, Cardiology

Zakariya, MD, DM, Cardiology

Dr. Zakariya is a distinguished Cardiology specialist with an MD and DM in Cardiology from prestigious medical institutions. He is associated with DiseaseFix as an honorary author. His clinical and research interests include Cardiovascular Diseases and Heart Health.

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