A Comprehensive Overview of Understanding Common Dental Procedures

Preventive Dental Treatment

Preventive dental treatment is the treatment of dental problems at the initial stage to avoid complex dental problems. During regular dental visits, dentist London carefully examines complete oral cavities and advises preventive treatments such as dental scaling, pit and fissure sealant, and fluoride treatment in patients with high-risk dental and gum conditions.

Preventive Dental Treatment


What is Preventive Dental Treatment and When is it Recommended by the Dentist?

Regular Dental Cleaning

During regular dental cleaning, the dentist expertly removes deep plaque, tarter and stains. Dental cleaning improves gum health by enhancing the gum attachment with the tooth. Emergency Dentists London recommends dental cleaning every 6 months, and early in case of gum infections such as bleeding gum, gum abscess, and teeth sensitivity, after orthodontics treatment.

Dental Sealant

Dental sealants are used to seal deep pits and groves on the chewing tooth surface in early-age children or patients at high risk of tooth decay. Dental sealants stop the penetration of tooth decay into deep dental tissue, maintain tooth integrity, and provide long-lasting protection against cavities. Dentists apply dental sealant in patients in which oral hygiene maintenance is difficult and in children 6 to 12 years old.

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride treatment prevents dental decay, rebuilds superficial degenerative dental tissue, and strengthens the tooth’s upper layer. Floride treatment is recommended in both children and adults who are more prone to dental cavities, fluoride treatment prevents dental decay extension and reduces teeth sensitivity.

Cosmetic Dental Procedures, and What Different Treatment Options are Available?

Dental cosmetic procedures can produce magical changes and shape your teeth and gum to make a perfect sparking smile. Cosmetic dental surgeon carefully evaluates dental health and tailor a treatment plan according to individual dental needs. some common cosmetic procedures

Teeth Whitening Treatment

During teeth whitening treatment, bleaching agents are applied on the surface with the help of a customised tray to remove hard stubborn stains and provide patients with a confident radiant smile. Professional Teeth whitening treatment is commonly safe and effective, dentist carefully monitor the tooth and gum condition to avoid complications.

Dental Veneer

Dental veneers are thin layers that are placed on the tooth surface to correct abnormal teeth and improve teeth shade. Dental veneers are durable and can be placed for 5 to 10 years with proper care they can restore a durable natural smile appearance.

Invisalign Aligner

Invisalign treatment discreetly arranges teeth in perfect alignment to make a natural aesthetic smile. During Invisalign aligner treatment different sets of aligners are used for gradual teeth strengthening, the dentist recommends using aligners 20 to 22 hours a day to get the early perfect smile.

Facial Cosmetic Procedures

Botox treatment and dermal filler are used to improve facial aesthetics, but they also improve dental aesthetics such it is removing fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth, it also increases the volume of lips with the help of dermal filler in thin lips and correct gummy smile with youthful appearance. Facial cosmetic procedures used in complete smile makeovers are non-surgical, less invasive, safe and effective techniques.

What are Different Dental Surgical Procedures and What are the Indications of these Procedures?

Different dental surgical procedures are performed by dentists and oral surgeons to maintain oral health care. Some common conditions:

Simple Tooth Extraction

Dentists professionally remove a tooth from the socket under local anaesthesia. Some common indications of simple extraction are.

  • Severe tooth decay and restoration dental treatment such as filling and RCT are not possible.
  • Loosen teeth due to prolonged gum disease.
  • Orthodontics teeth removal in case of crowding, to create space for teeth alignment.

Wisdom Tooth Surgery

Wisdom teeth are the most posterior teeth, dentist perform wisdom tooth surgery in case of

  • Wisdom tooth impaction: Wisdom Teeth face difficulties in eruption due to less jaw space with partial or complete thick gum coverage around the teeth. Dentists make surgical incisions for proper eruption.
  • Infections or abscesses around wisdom teeth; Due to difficulty in maintaining hygiene.
  • Cysts and tumours around the wisdom tooth; Wisdom teeth are the common side for cysts and tumour development dentist carefully evaluates the conditions with the help of a radiograph and biopsy then performs a surgical extraction.

Dental Implant

Dental implants are the permanent tooth replacement solution, in which dentists surgically place dental implants inside the jawbone. Common indication of dental implants.

  • In case of missing teeth Implants naturally restore oral function and aesthetics.
  • The implant is surgically placed inside the jawbone to provide denture stability and support.
  • A dental Implant is also placed in the jawbone to maintain its integrity and prevent bone resorption.

What are Different Teeth Restoration Treatments to Restore Damaged Teeth?

Dental restoration treatments are used to restore the tooth’s function, and aesthetics while maintaining natural tooth structure. Different restoration treatments are available, selection of restoration treatments depends upon tooth damage and individual dental needs some common restoration treatments are.

Dental Filling

Dental filling repairs damaged teeth with the help of different filling materials. Composite is a tooth colour filling material used to restore front teeth, and amalgam filling is a metallic grey colour filling material used to restore posterior teeth due to its remarkable durability. GIC filling materials are used in children due to their Low durability and high fluoride-release properties that control children’s tooth decay.

Dental Inlay or Onlay

Dental inlay onlay is the customised filling used to repair damaged teeth inlay and onlay are made up of porcelain, gold and composite materials. Inlay can repair the tooth damage in between the cusps and onlay can restore one or more tooth cusps.

Dental Crown

Dental crowns completely cover the tooth maintain its structural integrity and enhance its durability. Dentists use crowns according to individual dental needs, dental crowns are available in porcelain fused to metal, gold crown and zirconium crowns.

Root Canal Treatment

RCT is the treatment of choice in the case of deep tooth decay and pulp infection. The dentist removed all the decayed crown and root parts and filled them with biocompatible filling material to restore tooth structure and function.


Dentists perform comprehensive dental treatment to restore dental aesthetics and function to maintain overall good oral health. Commonly performed dental treatments are preventive dental treatment, cosmetic dental treatment, dental surgery and restorative dental treatment.

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