Coronavirus Infection Recovery

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Coronavirus Infection Recovery

The first case of coronavirus was identified in China in late December 2019, after which it started spreading globally, which made the situation uncontrolled. The World Health Organization has already declared COVID-19 a global pandemic.

Dr. Helen Wimalarathna, from the Open University, said that the evidence so far suggests that COVID-19 spreads faster than both SARS and MERS. Still, the consequences of infection are less severe, and for most healthy individuals, a COVID-19 infection is likely to be a heavy cold.


How Many People Are Recovering From Coronavirus?

According to John Hopkins live tracker, more than half of the coronavirus patients worldwide have recovered from the infection and have become better. The tracker has shown that out of the 354,677 confirmed cases worldwide, 15,436 have died while 100,462 recovered. This means that almost 86% of the patients have been recovered, while 14% of coronavirus patients have died.

While in another context of coronavirus sick people, 28 percent of all patients have recovered, while  67% (23,879 patients) are still sick. This is the latest reviewed data reviewed, which varies every day, as this pandemic situation is at its peak.

Most recovered cases are between the ages 39 and 40, and the fatality rate (death rate) increases with age.

Read DiseaseFix Facts Sheet for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

 How Could Coronavirus Patients Be Recovered?

The risk of severe illness due to the coronavirus is lower as compared to SARS and MERS. Coronavirus patients could be recovered if they are kept in isolated chambers, followed by quarantined facilities in hospitals. Besides, the following measures are taken to treat COVID-19 patients for their speedy recovery.

  • Patients are given plenty of fluids, medicine to reduce fever, and, in severe cases, supplemental oxygen also.
  • COVID-19 patients who become critically ill may need a respirator that could help them in breathing.
  • Bacterial infection can complicate COVID-19 infection treatment, and therefore patients may require antibiotics therapy in some cases.
  • Anti-HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) drugs and other compounds for COVID-19 patients treatment are still under investigation.

Read Coronaviruses Spread: Is it Safe to Open Postal Mails?

Can People Spread Coronavirus After Their Recovery?

Coronavirus may remain in the body for weeks, even after the people recover. A study from China suggests that the coronavirus can persist in the body for at least two weeks after the disease’s symptoms clear up. This is the case with other viruses as well. However, the viruses are not very contagious post-symptom period. According to Krys Johnson, an epidemiologist at Temple University’s College of Public Health, viruses that hang around in the patient’s system also tend to be the viruses that the body develops a strong immune response against. Therefore if the coronavirus staying in people’s systems, then they may not be able to be reinfected,” Johnson told Live Science.

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Picture of Sana Masroor, MS, Biochemistry

Sana Masroor, MS, Biochemistry

Sana Masroor is a biochemist and has pursued her Master’s degree in biochemistry from Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi. She has worked as a Research Trainee in the Special Center for Molecular Medicine, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
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