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Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids (Piles Treatment at Home)
- Updated on: Jul 15, 2024
- 4 min Read

How to treat hemorrhoids at home?
There are many options available for treating hemorrhoids at home. Piles home remedies (haemorrhoids home remedies) are known for their ease of use and for providing relief from the symptoms of hemorrhoids until they clear up on their own. Some of the important and effective natural cures for hemorrhoids are given below:
Warm baths
Warm baths are effective in easing the swelling and providing relief from hemorrhoids. Sitting in a tub of warm water that is filled just enough to cover the legs may help the patient with hemorrhoids. Some people also add other ingredients (like Epsom salt or apple cider vinegar) to the bath in order to help reduce the pain.
Witch hazel
Natural witch hazel is one of the important natural home remedies for hemorrhoids. It is an astringent (a substance that causes tissues to shrink). It also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Witch hazel is a great remedy to reduce bruising.
Witch hazel is used as described below:
- Add a small amount of pure witch hazel to a cotton ball
- Dab the cotton ball onto hemorrhoid
- If this direct method of applying witch hazel makes the symptoms worse, try a less direct method.
Coconut oil
Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer, which may also help with hemorrhoid symptoms. Applying coconut oil on the affected area may reduce the irritation and swelling, and it may also help reduce the urge to scratch.
Aloe vera
Aloe vera has been used in many cultures to treat a variety of diseases and conditions. The aloe vera plant is a natural treatment of piles and it has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body and may help heal wounds.
Aloe vera, when applied to anus, is also helpful in treating burning, itching, and swelling caused by hemorrhoids. Read about itching hemorrhoids.
But aloe vera used in the treatment should be natural and pure as additives and preservatives can make the symptoms even worse.
Ice packs
Applying ice or cold packs is known for natural hemorrhoid relief. These packs may also help relieve pain and inflammation from hemorrhoids. Applying ice directly on the affected area may help numb pain and temporarily reduce the swelling. Always be sure to wrap the ice in a small towel to avoid damage to the skin. Leave the ice pack on for 15 minutes and repeat the process hourly.
Petroleum Jelly
Plain old petroleum jelly if used on hemorrhoids form a protective barrier. Apply it over the anal area to stop further damage and reduce itching.
Lifestyle changes
Lifestyle of a person is pretty much responsible for his condition. Bad lifestyle always invites unwanted diseases and problems. Making certain healthy lifestyle choices can either reduce the risk of developing hemorrhoids or limit the time that a person has them. These include:
Eat Fermented Foods
Fermented foods are helpful as they provide healthy bacteria required for a healthy digestive system. Various benefits of fermented foods include:
- improve intestinal tract health
- synthesize and enhance the bioavailability of nutrients
- modify gut pH
- aid digestion
Examples of fermented foods may include kefir, kimchi, and raw, pastured yogurt.
Limit Alcohol and Spicy Foods
Alcohol can be dehydrating and hard on the digestive system, making hemorrhoid symptoms worse. Spicy foods can also intensify the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Consumption of alcohol and spicy foods may aggravate these symptoms. To be on the safer side, at least limit these foods until the hemorrhoids have cleared up.
Drinking plenty of liquids
Studies have shown that most anal problems such as hemorrhoids are caused by a lack of liquids in the diet. It is because the digestive process depends on the fluids in the body. Drinking plenty of liquid throughout the day keeps the stool soft and help in the easy passage.
Fiber-rich diet
Diets high in fiber are very important for overall digestive health, especially when it comes to bowel movements. Fibers can absorb water, which helps to both soften the stool and give it more body. This makes the stool to pass easily.
Read more about what to eat and what not to eat in hemorrhoids.
What to wear
Wearing loose-fitting, breathable, cotton underwear and pants can help a lot in managing hemorrhoids. Such habits can help prevent the area surrounding the hemorrhoids from becoming irritated by excess sweat, and thus help reduce the symptoms.
Correct bathroom habits
In order to manage and treat hemorrhoids, one should have correct bathroom habits. More: Treatment of hemorrhoids
Avoid Straining
Straining during a bowel movement is very harmful for hemorrhoids. It can be painful and can make hemorrhoid problems even worse. Don’t wait too long before going to the toilet. Otherwise, the stool will become harder, and then there will automatically be a need to push harder. When in the toilet, take your time and relax your body.
Prevent Constipation
Constipation is the reason that forces strain while using the bathroom. Constipation can be avoided by simple things like:
- drink plenty of fluids
- engage in regular physical activity
- eat high-fiber foods that make stools
Avoid Prolonged Sitting on the Toilet
Spending too much time in the toilet can worsen hemorrhoids. Avoid reading anything or using mobile phones while using the bathroom as this only leads to more time spent straining.
Clean Yourself Thoroughly
Hygiene is important in all aspects. If any traces of stool is left behind after you wipe, it can aggravate hemorrhoids even more, which is why it’s important to cleanse yourself thoroughly after going to the bathroom. However, do not cleanse yourself too roughly or use soaps that contain harsh chemicals, alcohol or perfumes. Plain water is best to wipe yourself and then dry your bottom afterward.
Things to avoid
There are certain things to avoid when treating hemorrhoids at home. These things may include:
- commercial baby wipes or perfumed toilet papers
- soap for washing anus
- aspirin, as it can thin the blood and make bleeding of hemorrhoids worse