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How Do I Find a Therapist That’s Right for Me?
- Updated on: Feb 29, 2024
- 3 min Read

A therapist is a mental health expert who helps you deal with various problems of the mind. They help you resolve the issues pertaining to your emotional health, address your personality problems, offer counsel over your relationships, and help you resolve conflicts that might be impairing your mental health.
Needless to say, a therapist performs the vital task of helping you improve your mental health, which has implications for your physical, social, and emotional wellbeing. But there is one caveat; finding the right therapist does not have a straightforward answer.
When deciding on therapy and finding a therapist in Dubai, there are certain things that you should consider. Otherwise, not only will your journal of healing be hampered, but a wrong fit may also mean that your issues are exacerbated.
Things to consider when finding a therapist
Check their credentials
Your therapist’s credentials are very important. If they are not sufficiently qualified, and lack the requisite experience, you should continue your search to find the right therapist.
Ideally, your therapist should be qualified and be licensed by the relevant authority. At Fitcy Health, the qualifications of the experts are mentioned alongside so that you can make a more informed decision.
See their area of expertise
There are sub-specialties within the domain of psychology. Some experts are more qualified to deal with issues of certain kind, while others might be dispensing care of completely different form.
You must then understand what your focal concerns are, and if they fall under the expertise of a particular therapist. For example, if anxiety is what you are struggling with, going to a bereavement counselor hardly makes sense.
So, list down your main concerns. Of course, only an expert can make a diagnosis, but you can reflect over your major concerns and use those as a guide to find a therapist whose expertise fits the bill.
Consider the financial aspect
Unfortunately, therapy does not come cheap. Moreover, most people need regular sessions, so it is not like therapy is a one-time expense. Therefore, it is important that one considers the financial elements as well.
So, check which therapist fits within your budget. See if they are covered by your health insurance. Catering to such practical matters allows you to focus on healing, rather than worrying about the piling bills, which ironically, can further impair your mental health.
See if your personality matches with the therapist’s
Many people do not realize the importance of clicking with and connecting with your therapist. Some people might not have energies that align, due to which, the conversation does not flow.
So, it is perfectly all right to not click with your therapist, and it is not reflection on them or you. Hence, it is important that you find someone with whom you connect with and are comfortable opening up to.
It thus helps to peruse their online profiles, or if they allow for it, have a trial session. During this session, you can make up your mind about either going forwards with them, or if you are not comfortable with them, you can go back to searching for another one.
Get a referral from your doctor
It can also help to get a referral from your primary physician to find a therapist. Their expert opinion can help serve as a good starting point for your search for a therapist.
Someone who can understand your religious and cultural background
While all therapists are trained to be not judgmental, empathy can be greater in those who can share your lived experiences. Therefore, it may help to look up experts who you think share your cultural, religious, ethnic, and racial background, so the element of relatability and understanding is greater.
Ask your friends and family for suggestions
Your trust increases when someone you know has had a positive experience with a product or a service, and the same can be said about therapy as well.
So, ask your friends and family if they can recommend you a credible therapist. Get their details, but also do your due diligence by considering the expert’s acumen as well.
Consider the element of accessibility
Many great doctors are also in great demand, which can make seeking their help hard. Thus, accessibility becomes a great challenge for patients.
However, if you cannot reach your healthcare provider in time, then it might not work out best for your journey of healing. Therefore, it is pertinent that you consider the element of accessibility when finding and choosing a therapist.
Since Fitcy Health connects you to therapists online, the issue of accessibility is minimal at best. It allows you to easily connect with your doctor, no matter where you are, if you both have the required technology.