How to Maintain Strength and Balance As You Age

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Maintain Strength and Balance

It’s possible to live life to the fullest at any age, but it’s just a fact that things become a little more challenging as we get older. For one thing, we tend to become a little more susceptible to falls and injuries, and they can have a significant impact on the overall conditioning of our bodies.

However, it’s important to remember that there are ways that you can prevent these damages. One such way is to maintain and improve your strength and balance. Investing time and energy into those two aspects of your physical condition can do wonders for enhancing your lifestyle.


In this post, we’ll take a look at a few effective ways to nudge your strength and balance in the right direction.

Maintain Strength and Balance

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Exercise Regularly

You know what they say: if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it. Your body needs to put through its paces in order to be at its best, so make sure that you’re committing to regular exercise. This can be in the form of going to a gym, swimming, biking, or anything else that has you moving and working up a sweat.

There are other advantages to exercise, too. It’ll help give you energy, and even keep you in a positive mood. Take a look at older people who still exercise, and you’ll see that they have a lot of life in them.

Take Up Yoga

Yoga can do wonders for strength, balance, and flexibility. In fact, it’s so good for you that there’s a saying: you stay the same age as you were when you started doing yoga regularly. It can be a little intimidating to start yoga, but there’s no reason to be nervous — yoga classes are highly welcoming and inclusive, and there’s never any pressure to be the best student in the class. If you can’t quite face the thought of a class, then start by following along with a YouTube video, of which there are many to choose from.

Handle Injuries

There are plenty of things you can do to improve your strength and balance but keep in mind that your good work could be undone if you suffer an injury and don’t seek treatment. Experiencing an injury can make it easy to fall out of the habit of exercising, so it’s important to take action as soon as possible. Working with an expert in physiotherapy can help you rebuild those stabilising muscles that will make it easier to maintain strength and balance. It’s also important to listen to your body — if it needs a rest, then rest.

Daily Activities

Finally, remember that while regular exercise is good, it won’t be as effective if you spend the rest of your time sitting down. Maintaining an active lifestyle in which you’re mobile throughout the day is key to remaining as strong and flexible as possible. Make sure that you’re getting out of the house, going for walks, and all-around using your body each day — it’ll make a big difference to your strength and balance levels!

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Picture of Shahid Iquebal, M. Pharma

Shahid Iquebal, M. Pharma

Shahid is a pharmacologist with masters in pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacology. In the past, he worked for Maxinov Healthcare Research Division and R.P Biotech. At DiseaseFix, he is a content guide and writer. He is also associated as a researcher with Integrated Resources Pvt Ltd. currently. Shahid’s areas of interests include cellular and molecular pharmacology, pre-clinical screening, and systemic and clinical Pharmacology.
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