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How to Overcome Anxiety and Get Back to the Doctor
- Updated on: May 7, 2024
- 3 min Read

For many of us, going back to the doctor can be a daunting task. Whether it’s been years since your last visit or you’ve just been putting it off, anxiety can keep us from taking control of our health. But getting regular checkups is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Here are a few tips on how to beat that anxiety and get back in the doctor’s office.
Create a Plan
Often when we’re anxious about something, having an action plan can help ease some of that tension. Take the time to figure out exactly what needs to be done before and after your appointment – such as writing down any questions or symptoms you want to discuss with your doctor, printing out any relevant forms you need to fill out, making sure you have insurance information ready, etc. Once you have everything mapped out – and written down – you’ll feel prepared for your visit and better able to take control of your health.
Prepare Yourself Mentally
Going back to the doctor often brings up feelings of anxiety and dread, especially if it has been many years since your last visit. Before going in for an appointment, take some time to reflect on why being healthy is important to you and focus on feeling empowered rather than overwhelmed by all the changes that may need to happen in order for you to get healthy again.
Don’t Isolate Yourself
Studies have shown that when we feel anxious or overwhelmed by something, isolating ourselves only makes matters worse. Instead of retreating into yourself, try talking with friends or family members who understand where you’re coming from and can provide moral support during this process. You may even find that someone else has gone through a similar experience – allowing them to offer helpful advice on how they conquered their own anxieties about visiting the doctor again.
Understand Your Benefits
By knowing what services and treatments are covered under your HSA or plan, you can feel more confident in seeking medical attention when necessary. Not only does this reduce anxiety around the unknown costs of healthcare, but it also allows you to make informed decisions about your care. So if you’ve been avoiding going to the doctor out of fear or apprehension, take some time to review your healthcare benefits and see how they can help you overcome your anxiety and get the care you need.
Find the Right Doctor For You
Finding a medical professional who listens intently and takes the time to answer all your questions will help make future visits easier for both you and your doctor. Before making an appointment anywhere, do some research first! Read reviews online, talk with friends or family members who may already be seeing someone they like, etc., so that when it comes time for your appointment you know exactly what kind of experience awaits you at the clinic or hospital where you will go.
Going back to the doctor after many years can seem intimidating but by creating an action plan ahead of time and finding ways both online and offline for support – not only from loved ones but also from doctors who understand your needs – it doesn’t have to be so scary anymore! Taking control of our health is important for living life happily and without fear; so don’t let anxiety get in the way of good habits! As long as we prepare ourselves beforehand we can conquer any fear we may have about returning for regular checkups or seeing a specialist for something more specific; because ultimately nothing should stand in our way when it comes to taking care of ourselves!