Mindful Body Care: Nurturing Your Skin And Well-Being

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Skin health and well-being
Many factors contribute to your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. In addition to maintaining a healthy body weight, getting plenty of exercise, and taking mental health days, nurturing your skin also contributes to your overall well-being. It just so happens that many things you do for your mental and physical health can also help improve your skin health.

Today, we talk about several tips and tricks for nurturing your skin that can help support your appearance, confidence, and well-being.


What You Eat Matters

What you put into your body matters immensely in terms of your skin health. If you want healthy, glowing skin, add fruits, vegetables, unrefined carbs, olive oil, teas, and leafy greens to your diet. They supply skin-healthy vitamins and help promote the growth of essential skin components such as collagen, which helps maintain the structure and elasticity of your skin. Healthy foods may also help slow the development of wrinkles, as well as the dryness of your skin.

If youโ€™re looking to lose some pounds in addition to supporting your skinโ€™s health, consider talking to your doctor about weight loss peptides. These peptides can help promote optimal metabolic function and lay the foundation for a successful weight loss journey.

Reduce Your Stress Levels

Unmanaged stress can cause a wide range of health issues, from mental health to raising blood pressure and causing the release of cortisol, which can contribute to weight gain. Stress is also bad for your skin health because it can cause the development of pimples, dryness, premature wrinkles, and make existing skin conditions worse.

It’s important to find ways to destress, which could include practicing yoga, mindful meditation, journaling, and exercising regularly.

Be Mindful of Your Showering Habits

Showering more often or longer than necessary can severely dry out your skin. Hot water eliminates the oily layer that protects and moisturizes your skin, resulting in unwanted dryness, itchiness, and overall poor skin health.

Instead, use lukewarm water and make sure to use a topical moisturizer after your shower to help keep your skin optimally hydrated.

Stop Smoking

While you don’t necessarily need to stop consuming alcohol but merely reduce your usage, it’s highly recommended that you stop smoking. In addition to being unhealthy for your lungs and overall health, smoking breaks down the collagen in your skin, reduces its elasticity, and contributes to the development of crowโ€™s feet and premature wrinkles.

Sleep is Essential

It’s called “beauty sleep” for a reason: getting plenty of sleep is essential for your skin health. Inadequate sleep puts you at risk for a number of dangerous health complications, including diabetes, obesity, and more. However, it also puts you at a higher risk for premature visible signs of aging and makes it challenging for your skin to heal itself properly.

Infographic provided by Revanesse, a provider of face hyaluronic acid injections

Use Sun Protection Year-Round

While it’s normal for people to love how they look with a tan, exposing yourself to UV rays without sun protection can damage your skin over time. UV radiation is a leading cause of premature aging as it accelerates the formation of wrinkles and fine lines. UV rays also damage your skinโ€™s ability to produce collagen, which can lead to sagging skin and reduced elasticity.

Additionally, UV radiation is a leading cause of skin cancer, so sunscreen should always be worn when you spend time in the sun. You may also want to consider wearing long-sleeved clothing and broad-brimmed hats if you plan to spend the day in the sun as an added layer of protection. Make sure to use sun protection year-round – UV rays can cause damage during the winter just like they do during summer.

Hydration is Key

Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is incredibly important for your skin health. Drinking water is necessary to keep your skin cells healthy and promote collagen production, increased elasticity, and overall skin health. Water is also essential for removing toxins and chemicals from your body that could potentially damage your skin.

Last Words

Taking care of your skin is an important but easy-to-overlook aspect of caring for your overall wellbeing. You can support how you look and feel for years to come by staying hydrated, eating foods that promote skin health, reducing stress, getting enough sleep, and stopping smoking. Donโ€™t forget to use UV protection year-round in the form of sunscreen and protective clothing. Your skin will thank you!


  • https://www.aad.org/news/stress-shows-in-skin-hair-nails
  • https://ash.org.uk/resources/view/how-smoking-affects-the-way-you-look
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8597149/
  • https://newsinhealth.nih.gov/2015/11/keep-your-skin-healthy
  • https://magazine.medlineplus.gov/article/sunscreen-in-the-winter
  • https://www.webmd.com/beauty/features/drink-water-skin

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Picture of Sarita Elizabeth Thomas, MS, Microbiology

Sarita Elizabeth Thomas, MS, Microbiology

With close to two decades of experience in research and scientific innovation, Elizabeth is a senior microbiologist who has put research ahead of the curve. In the past, she worked with Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) - Unit for Research and Development of Information Products (URDIP), Chembiotek as Officer for Scientific Coordination, and with IPEngine as Senior Research Associate.
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