Can you get pregnant with ovarian cyst? Do ovarian cysts stop you from getting pregnant?
Ovarian cysts are very common and most of them are usually harmless and don’t need any kind of treatment, however, others could cause problems if they grow larger in size.
Functional cysts such as, dermoid and cystadenomas usually do not affect the fertility of a woman or the normal functioning of the ovaries as they are normal part of a woman ovulation.
Specific cysts such as endometriomas can prevent a woman from being able to conceive and can cause infertility. Some women have a condition called polycystic ovaries where many small cysts appear on ovaries, causing irregular periods and high levels of certain hormones. It is associated with irregular ovulation, which may contribute to problems with fertility in some women.
These constitutes the part of non-functional cysts and do not go away on their own. These cysts hamper women fertility and prevent a woman from getting pregnant by causing a hormonal imbalance and restricting follicle maturation.
Women with cysts caused by endometriosis and due to polycystic ovaries syndrome are infertile and cannot conceive naturally as their ovaries are not working properly and they are most probably not ovulating either. These women who have cysts in their ovaries also suffer from an ovulation disorder which prevents the ovaries from releasing a mature egg for fertilisation by the sperm.
More: Ovarian cyst removal and ovarian cyst surgery
Can an ovarian cyst give you a positive pregnancy test?
Having an ovarian cyst will not cause you to have a false positive on a pregnancy test. In some cases, a certain type of ovarian cyst can interfere with the results of a pregnancy test.
There are also some cases your healthcare provider may use a pregnancy test to identify a certain type of ovarian cyst.
Corpus luteum cysts can have an impact on pregnancy tests and can cause a false positive pregnancy test. The corpus luteum remains on the ovary after the egg is released. It disintegrates with time and the cycle is repeated again.
If the corpus luteum fills with blood or fluid, it becomes a cyst and remains on the ovary. It produces HCG- the hormone which is indicative of occurrence of conception, and can therefore interfere with the accuracy of a pregnancy test.
More: Ovarian Cyst: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment
More: Ruptured ovarian cyst
Can an ovarian cyst stop your period?
Ovarian cysts can hamper with your normal menstrual period but are not able to stop it completely. Generally, functional cysts have no effect on your period unless they are small in size and resolves on their own.
Bigger cysts may rupture and can cause painful menstrual period.
Cysts caused due to polycystic ovary syndrome and endometriosis can cause painful and irregular menstrual periods.
How can an ovarian cyst during pregnancy be removed?
Depending on the condition of the cyst, your doctor may suggest different treatments, or may also suggest waiting patiently and seeing if the cyst could go away on its own.
If the cyst is small, your doctor may recommend you to get regular ultrasound examination to see if the cyst has changed its size. Ultrasound scan reveal if a pregnant woman has any cyst or not. Your doctor will usually wait half way into pregnancy as removing it at the early stages can increase the chances of miscarriage.
Sometimes, a cyst can develop on an ovarian stem and become twisted and this might lead to serious medical complication as the ovary can be damaged and in such cases, your doctor will remove the cyst through laparoscopy, irrespective of your pregnancy stage. However, a laparotomy could be essential if the cyst has grown huge during late stage of your pregnancy.