It’s not unusual for your energy levels to diminish as you get older. It might also be that your age has nothing to do with it. It might be you’re lacking energy because you’re not sleeping well, you have a job that stresses you out, or even something else that’s underlying. Having no energy is no fun because you lack motivation to do anything productive. In turn, this can affect work, housework, and even your personal relationships. So how can you turn things around to get that spike of energy back?
Take a few things off your plate
By plate, we mean the plate of life. One of the main reasons many people lack energy is because they’re simply doing too much day in and day out. If you’ve got a job that takes up a lot of time, children, housework and a relationship to maintain, it can soon make you feel burned out. And, while you might even enjoy being someone that’s busy, it’s important to reduce the amount of things you’re doing. Like everyone else, you need time to relax – both with those that you love and by yourself. This might mean doing a few less hours at work or dropping one of your night classes so that you get some time to relax and recharge.
Have yourself checked for anything underlying
Sometimes a lack of energy can come from underlying medical conditions that haven’t yet been diagnosed. If you live a generally healthy lifestyle and don’t experience stress, it can be confusing why you’re always feeling tired. Make an appointment with your Doctor and have some tests done to see if anything else might be causing your fatigue. Your Doctor will be able to recommend medications, therapies or even certain supplements that can help you get that spring back into your step.
Stop smoking
You know that smoking is bad for you, but did you know that it could also affect the quality of your sleep? Not only do the stimulants in tobacco keep your brain ticking over, you could also find it harder to sleep due to the damage done to your lungs. And, those pesky cravings can also disturb your sleep too! So, for the sake of your overall health and well being, stop smoking as soon as possible. Again, your Doctor may be able to help you with that journey if facing it cold turkey isn’t something you can face.
Eat a healthy diet
The food you’re eating plays a huge role in your overall well being. It also plays a huge role in your energy levels too. If you’re not eating nutritional food and gorging out on junk food, you’re bound to feel lethargic and tired all of the time! Try to eat a balanced diet with plenty of organic fruit and veg and you’ll soon notice your energy levels rise!
Finally, getting moving can actually increase your energy levels overall. You might be feeling fatigued because you’ve spent so long without doing any proper exercise! Start off small with daily walks and work your way up to faster and longer exercises to improve your sleep and your health!