What Are The Different Medicines for Hemorrhoids?

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What Are The Different Medicines for Hemorrhoids?
What Are The Different Medicines for Hemorrhoids?

Medical remedies for hemorrhoids

Medical remedies for hemorrhoids consist of allopathic medicines, ayurvedic medicines, and homeopathic medicines. All three types are discussed below:

Allopathic medicines for piles

Several allopathic medicinal options are available to manage the symptoms and find relief in pain due to hemorrhoids.


Hemorrhoids OTC meds

OTC medicines stand for over the counter medicines. These are available over-the-counter or online. OTC medications for hemorrhoids include painkillers, hemorrhoid ointments, hemorrhoid creams, and pads. These products contain ingredients, such as witch hazel, or hydrocortisone and lidocaine, that can relieve pain and itching for a temporary period. These medicines do not cure piles but help in managing the symptoms. These OTC medicines for hemorrhoids help soothe redness and swelling around the anus.

These medicines are not good to use for more than 7 days continuously. Their continuous use can cause further irritation of the area and thinning of the skin. It is also advisable not to use two or more medications at the same time unless advised by a medical professional.

Corticosteroids for hemorrhoids

Corticosteroids are also helpful in controlling the symptoms of hemorrhoids as they can reduce inflammation and pain due to hemorrhoids. Read about hemorrhoids pain relief.


Laxatives are usually prescribed by the doctors if a person with piles suffers from constipation. These medicines make the passage of stool easy and also reduce pressure on the lower colon.

Ayurvedic and Natural Medicines for Piles

Ayurvedic or natural medicines are sometimes quite effective for hemorrhoids. Ayurveda says that a human body is free from disease until his three doshas (Vaata, Pitta & Kafa) are balanced. Any imbalance in any one of these doshas can lead to health problems. For example, an imbalance in Pitta dosha can create digestive disorders which in turn lead to vata dosha & causes inflammation of haemorrhoidal venous cushions.

Haemorrhoidal venous cushions are normal structures of anorectal region. They are highly sensitive (prone to engorge and prolapse) and rich in vascular supply. Any type of pressure or stress can make these cushions inflamed. This condition is known as piles or hemorrhoids. Ayurvedic medicines which help in the treatment of hemorrhoids are given below:

Some medicines are specially designed with ayurvedic formulation that can cure bleeding piles along with non-bleeding internal & external piles lumps also. The basic mechanism of such medicines is to cure the varicose veins inflammation in anorectal region. This helps the venous cushions to regain their normal state and thus cure hemorrhoids. They help in many ways:

  • Creates venous sufficiency(in the anorectal region).
  • Normalises the swelling of varicose veins.
  • Acts as a cooling agent on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Acts as an anti-infective agent.
  • Acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Acts as a digestive aid.
  • Acts as a stool softener.

Homeopathy medicines for piles

The main target of homeopathy medicines is the root cause of piles which include chronic constipation, chronic acidity, and flatulence. Curing the causes can automatically cure the disease permanently. Some major homeopathy medicines for piles include:

Nux vom

Nux Vom helps to cure constipation. Constipation is one of the major causes of hemorrhoid. A person with constipation always feels the heaviness of abdomen after an hour of taking meals and ineffectual desires to go for stool. Nux vom is one of the most effective medicines to cure constipation and irregular bowel habit.


It is advised in condition such as:

  • constipation (mainly if the stool is very hard)
  • the person gives more strain while passing stool
  • tendency of taking more water as the person feels thirsty always


Lycopodium is prescribed to a person having more flatulency problem. Flatulency refers to bloated sensation in the stomach with gurgling or rumbling sound in the stomach.


Carboveg is prescribed to a person having flatulency with a bloated sensation of the stomach.


Anacardium is prescribed when the person suffers from following problems:

  • constipation tendency with pain in the empty stomach
  • a headache on an empty stomach
  • having food relieves a headache and stomach pain
  • a tendency of forgetfulness and low confidence


Sulphur is prescribed to a person with following symptoms:

  • burning sensation of the anus after stool
  • itching of anus
  • a tendency of early morning stool
  • disturbed sleep habit of waking up in little noise
  • nervous nature
  • unhealthy lifestyle


This medication is generally prescribed to a person who is having following symptoms:

  • burning and stitching pain in anus after the stool
  • itching of anus
  • a feeling of something being stuck inside the anus because of inflammation of piles
  • constipation tendency


Collinsonia is prescribed to people suffering from following conditions:

  • tenderness of the piles
  • a person feels sore and tender while sitting or walking
  • constipation tendency with engorging of anal vein
  • piles in pregnancy


Ratanhia is prescribed when:

  • piles are associated with burning pain during and after stool
  • anus aches and burns for hours after stool
  • feels constricted
  • piles associated with fissure


Hamamelis is prescribed when:

  • there are venous congestion and bleeding of piles
  • Bleeding falls drops wise while passing the stool


Millefolium is also prescribed in bleeding piles to arrest the bleeding.


Paeonia is prescribed when the person suffers from:

  • itching of anus
  • burning in anus after stool
  • chronic and painful piles condition

It is always advisable to take the above-mentioned medicines under the supervision of any qualified doctor.

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Picture of Monika Singh, M.Tech

Monika Singh, M.Tech

Monika Singh is an expert in computer sciences and has pursued her Master’s degree (M.Tech-CS) from Banasthali University, Rajasthan. Her areas of interest include data structure, software engineering, software testing, and computer graphics. Monika Singh has published a paper on “Modified AODV in MANET,” International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies (IJCSMS), ISSN: 2231-5268, Vol-14, Issue-05 May 2014, PP:12-18.
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