Browsing: Peripheral Arterial Disease

Comprehensive Information, Resources, and Support on Peripheral Arterial Disease

Claudication Pain

Claudication is sometimes considered a disease, but it not a disease. It is a symptom of certain diseases, mainly peripheral artery disease. Claudication is a serious blood circulation problem in which the vessels that supply blood flow to the legs or arms of a person are narrowed. Read about treatment, diagnosis, and symptoms of claudication pain.

Peripheral Vascular Disease and Erectile Dysfunction

Both erectile dysfunction (ED) and peripheral vascular disease (ED) are two different conditions. Erectile dysfunction is found in men making them unable to get and maintain an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) on the other hand is a circulatory problem in which the arteries become narrow and therefore reduce the flow of blood to lower limbs.

Peripheral Arterial Disease: An Overview

Peripheral arterial disease or PAD is also known as peripheral vascular disease (PVD). It is a circulatory problem in which the peripheral arteries become narrow and are unable to supply oxygenated blood to the limbs, particularly the legs. The condition results in extreme pain and weakening of the organ where the blood supply is reduced. In severe cases, the peripheral arterial disease may result in heart attack and strokes. PAD is the most common circulatory condition in African-Americans. Men are affected by this condition more than women.